How To Transform An IT Architecture

When you are going to migrate to a new system, key questions have to be asked

The reason that an IT department exists within a company is to provide the company with a way to use the importance of information technology to provide the company with a competitive advantage. The IT department provides the company with the ability to process all of the data that is collected while at the same … Read more

Three Changes That Make An IT Manager A CIO

Just exactly how does an IT manager become a CIO? Is there some sort of magic wand involved in the process a la Harry Potter? Is there a secret book that gets opened and words of wisdom are handed down that allow the manager to finally fully understand the importance of information technology? Unfortunately not. … Read more

W.W.C.R.M.D? (What Would CIO Randy Mott Do?)

You wouldn’t think that a CIO who just got fired from his job at HP would have a lot to teach us about IT strategy, but that’s where you’d be wrong. Randy Mott is a CIO who has been around the block a few times. He’s worked for Wal-Mart, Dell, and he was CIO at … Read more

Three Big IT Transformation Mistakes That HP Made

If you made three costly IT mistakes would you admit it? I think that most of us would probably say “no” – we’d run and hide our mistakes under a rock somewhere. However, thankfully over at HP they’ve decided to come clean about a few of the mistakes that they’ve made during their multi-year IT … Read more