Three Big IT Transformation Mistakes That HP Made

If you made three costly IT mistakes would you admit it? I think that most of us would probably say “no” – we’d run and hide our mistakes under a rock somewhere. However, thankfully over at HP they’ve decided to come clean about a few of the mistakes that they’ve made during their multi-year IT … Read more

IT Work Split: The New 80/20 Rule

Pity the poor CIO – he manages a team of professionals that do great work, but he / she rarely gets any credit for a job well done. Why you ask? Well an unfortunate comparison can be made to the maintenance staff that takes care of the building that your work in. It’s great that … Read more

Kevin Mitnick Speaks About IT Security

I had an opportunity to attend a very large IT health care show up in Chicago awhile back and I was surprised to discover that Kevin Mitnick, the somewhat infamous computer hacker, was scheduled to give a speech. Now even though I don’t move in computer security circles that much, I know about Kevin Mitnick. … Read more

What Can HP Teach You About How To Run Your IT Department?

When I say “HP” what is the first thing that pops into your mind? In my case it’s a flashback to the HP 12C calculator that became welded to my hand while I was working on my MBA. These days, HP does a lot more and we all probably have some HP printers or PCs … Read more

The Problem With Apple: Product Or Platform?

In the world of IT we deal with lots of different questions: what project to take on, how best to align with the business, how to improve processes. One thing that we don’t really spend much time thinking about is if our applications should run on Microsoft or Apple platforms. Hmm, has Apple missed the … Read more

IT Value: How To Measure The Revenue Of IT

If you had to name the #1 problem that most CIOs face, what would it be? There are a lot to choose from, but in my opinion, the biggest problem that is holding CIOs and IT departments back from being considered a key component of the firm’s success is that all CIOs get to talk … Read more

Why Don’t IT Alliances Work Out?

You would think that the more alliances that your company / IT department makes with other firms, then the better that they would become at making them. After all, practice makes perfect – doesn’t it? It turns out that this is not always the case. Koen Heimeriks has spent time studying 200 firms that had … Read more

Health Care Changes: Is IT Enough?

So here’s the $19B question for you: if you were the CIO in charge of the Obama administration’s big health care initiative, do you think that the “secret sauce” that will make it all work out will be better / more IT? Just in case you’ve not been following this developing story, one of the … Read more