Faux Market Secrets: How CIOs Capture Innovation

So picture this: you’re a CIO and you desperately want to be seen by the rest of the C-level executives as something more than a simple cost center. What to do? If only there was some way that you could tap into all of that incredible creative energy that we all know lives in the … Read more

First-Mover Advantage: Complex-Event Processing Is What CIOs Need

The job of  a CIO and the IT department is to equip the rest of the company to move faster and do more. One of the ways that a CIO can do this is by staying on top of new and emerging technologies (ex. unified communications). If such technologies can be implemented in a useful … Read more

Why Don’t IT Alliances Work Out?

You would think that the more alliances that your company / IT department makes with other firms, then the better that they would become at making them. After all, practice makes perfect – doesn’t it? It turns out that this is not always the case. Koen Heimeriks has spent time studying 200 firms that had … Read more

How To Drive An IT Department Into The Ground

You can go just about anywhere on the web or in your local bookstore and find ways to make your IT department a success. However, clearly this is not an easy thing to do when you take a moment to consider how much time that we spend trying to be successful. What’s missing from all … Read more