What CIOs Can Learn From Bank of America’s Trip Into The Cloud

Just imagine if you were David Rilly, chief technology officer at Bank of America. There you are, in charge of the IT infrastructure for one of the biggest banks around when all of a sudden the IT world starts to undergo yet another one of its transformations. What would you do – stand by and … Read more

Does Your Company Need A Chief Safety Officer?

As more and more companies create online communities for our customers to interact with us and each other in, CIOs are starting to see a need for a new type of employee. In any online community, there are a lot of things that can happen. I can’t quite explain why some people behave like they … Read more

How A Gold Mine CIO Is Preparing For The Internet Of Things

As the person with the CIO job, you have a challenging job. It is your responsibility to understand that importance of information technology and to keep watch over your IT department as it works to service the rest of the company. If there is an issue, then you deal with it. You visit the people … Read more

Finding The Time To Be Strategic

Pick up any IT trade journal and you’ll probably find an article that is telling CIOs that because of the importance of information technology they need to get a seat at the company’s planning table. In order to do this, they need to become more strategic. I think that we can all agree with this … Read more

What CIOs Need To Know About Software Defined Networking

Guess what CIO: there is a revolution that is just starting in the world of computer networking. Sure, you know about the importance of information technology but are you going to be ready for this? For the longest time, we’ve all been building our networks in pretty much the same way: we go to a … Read more

Do We Really Need To Encrypt Our Customer Data?

Guess what: there’s been another hacker break in. This time it happened at the big U.S. healthcare provider Anthem. Nobody’s quite sure how big of a breech it was, but initial guesses are saying that tens of millions of customer records may have been copied by hackers. What makes this break-in even worse is that … Read more

What 3 Questions Should CIOs Be Asking?

As a CIO we are always searching for ways that we can better communicate the importance of information technology in order to improve ourselves, our IT shop, and, of course, our company. Exactly how go about doing this is one of life’s greatest mysteries. It turns out that each and every one of us has … Read more

The HSBC CIO And The Money Laundering Problem

The person with the CIO job has a lot to do in the best of circumstances. When your company has been accused of aiding in aiding in the laundering of US$881M and has had to pay a US$1.9B fine, things just got a whole lot tougher and the importance of information technology doesn’t matter as … Read more