Is Embedding IT Staff The New Way For CIO’s To Organize IT?

The person with the CIO job understands that the because of the importance of information technology, the role of the IT department is to support the rest of the company. The challenge for the longest time has been how exactly to go about doing this. Over the past few years, the interactions between the IT … Read more

When It Comes To Cyber Threats, CIOs Don’t Like To Share

By now we all know that our firms are under an almost constant set of attacks from a wide variety of outsiders because of the importance of information technology. Some of these attackers are simply children who are just fooling around with their computes and are trying to see how far they can get. However, … Read more

CIOs Know That If They Can’t Find That Email, They’re In Trouble

Sure, as the person with the CIO job, there are a lot of different things that you could be doing. However, have you ever spent any time thinking about the things that you should be doing? It turns out that given the importance of information technology it just might be what you and your IT … Read more

What Do CIOs Need To Know About Hadoop?

If there is one IT buzzword that gets everyone excited right now, then it’s “Big Data”. The idea behind Big Data is that with the right set of tools, companies can finally take a look at all of the data that they collect from multiple streams and pull it together in order to answer important … Read more

CIOs and CMOs: What’s Going On With This Relationship?

Making a company be successful is tough work. For this to happen, it’s going to take a great deal of work on everyone’s part and, tougher yet, everyone is going to have to find ways to work together. As a CIO this means that you are going to find yourself having to work with the … Read more

CIOs Need To Take Care Of Their Younger Workers

As the person in the CIO position, I’m pretty sure that by now you’ve come to realize that not all of the workers at your company are the same. It turns out that some of these workers need a little bit of extra help from your IT department. You might instinctively think that I’m talking … Read more

CIOs Need To Know How To Deal With IP Issues

As CIOs we tend to focus on the immediate problems that are in front of us. These include such things as growing the number of servers that the company is using, picking the right data center, and implementing yet another company wide application. However, it turns out that there is an issue that may be … Read more

Cut Costs Or Grow Profits: What Should A CIO Do?

Here’s a quick question for you: what is more important for a CIO to do – cut costs or boost revenues? I think that it’s fair to say that because of the importance of information technology, we are called on to do both at the same time; however, they can’t both be of equal value. … Read more