3 Options That CIOs Have To Consider: Build, Colocation, or Cloud

If there is one thing that I think that we can all agree on then it is that our data processing and storage needs continue to grow as the company comes to realize the importance of information technology. The person with the CIO job now has to find a way to deal with this explosive … Read more

What A CIO Needs To Know About Encryption

Due to the importance of information technology, the person with the CIO job has been handed the responsibility of keeping the company’s information assets safe. This involves a number of different things including preventing the wrong people from gaining access to the company’s networks, etc. However, there is always the possibility that company information may … Read more

CIOs Need To Learn To Play HEAD Games

As the person with the CIO job you have access to a great deal of information. In fact, some would say that you have access to too much information. Making a decision about the importance of information technology can be a very difficult thing to do. You have a great deal of information sitting at … Read more

Airline CIOs Show How To Move From The Old To The New

The day-to-day challenges of being a CIO and teaching the rest of the company about the importance of information technology are enough to keep most of us fully busy. Just imagine if you were handed the additional responsibility of creating a plan to merge the IT operations of two large airlines. You could not screw … Read more

3 Ways To Get Your Company To Take Digital Security Seriously

As the person with the CIO job, you realize the importance of information technology and just how important it is to keep your company’s network secure from all of the bad people out there in the world who are always trying to get in. You make investments in firewalls, intrusion detection devices, and highly paid … Read more

5 Things That CIOs Need To Be Doing In Order To Protect Their Networks

By now I think that we all realize that we are living in dangerous and challenging times. The bad guys know about the importance of information technology and so they spend their time trying to break into our networks and we keep trying to find ways to keep them out. You’d think that a person … Read more

The Problem With Healthcare Records

In the U.S., the government is investing a great deal of money into transforming the country’s medical system. A key part of this transformation is the conversion of medical records from paper to electronic records. On paper, this sounds like a great idea. Once CIOs have overseen the digitization of medical records, they can be … Read more

Bloomberg Terminal Outage Creates CIO Headache

The job of a CIO is to make sure that everything works “just right”. If we have a nightmare it’s that the systems that we are responsible for suddenly just stop working just when everyone realizes the importance of information technology. As they sit around waiting for us to fix things, we frantically run around … Read more

Does It Make Sense To Grade Your IT Employees?

As the person with the CIO job, it’s your responsibility to stay on top of the quality of the employees that you have working in your IT department. In most IT departments this means that at least once a year you will have everyone engage in an evaluation process. During this process each worker will … Read more

5 Things That A CIO Should Never Accept In The IT Department

CIOs need to make sure that their IT department is a smoothly running machine. There are many different things that they can do in order to make sure that this happens. Hiring the right employees is a great way to start. Taking steps to keep employee moral high and ensuring that employees are motivated are … Read more