What To Do When You Are The Interim CIO

Congratulations, you’re now the CIO. Well, maybe not quite. You’re actually the interim CIO. What does this actually mean? What it means is that the company understands the importance of information technology and needs somebody to fill the role of CIO while they go looking for the person that they want to fill it permanently. … Read more

When Should A CIO Tell The World That They Have Been Hacked?

As CIOs we spend a great deal of our time attempting to secure the company’s networks from the bad guys because we understand the importance of information technology. This activity takes on a whole host of different forms: firewalls, end user training, security sweeps, etc. However, sometimes despite our best efforts the bad guys make … Read more

What Is The Real Value Of Expert’s Predictions?

When you talk to the person with the CIO job and ask them what magic power they would like to have, right after the ability to fly you’ll more often than not hear that they’d like to be able to predict the future. The ability to peer into the future and know today what’s going … Read more

What Time Should CIOs Wake Up At In Order To Be The Most Productive?

I think that we can all agree that the life of the person with the CIO job is a very demanding life because of the importance of information technology. It seems as though almost from the moment that we walk in the door at work, there is somebody who has some problem that they feel … Read more

What A CIO Can Do About Eliminating Dead Wood In The IT Department

Who works in your IT department? Is it a bunch of fired up people who arrive at work each and every day ready to take on the world? Do they believe in the importance of information technology and are they straining to find new and better ways to do just about everything? Or when you … Read more

What Went Wrong At Delta?

Just in case you don’t remember, the U.S. carrier, Delta airlines, suffered a major melt down when their headquarters experienced a power outage. This outage crippled their IT systems and the result of this was that they could not fly their planes. Planes were stuck on the ground, flights were cancelled, and Delta was even … Read more

Just Exactly How Much Should You Be Paying Your Workers?

As the person at your company who has the CIO job and who understands the importance of information technology, it turns out that you have an additional job. This is building the best IT team possible. In order to do this, you are going to have to hire some people and when you do this … Read more

Is It Time For CIOs To Start To Apply Logic To Salaries?

Psst – would you like to know a secret? It turns out that at most companies, how much any given employee gets paid is determined more by art than science. Yes, that’s right – most firms (and their IT departments) are making this stuff up on the fly. When you decide that that data scientist … Read more

Just Exactly How Important Are Smartphones To Younger Workers?

More than one CIO that I know has become very upset when what they were saying during a meeting was interrupted by one or more mobile phones going off while they were speaking. Just to make things worse, we’ve all had that sinking feeling that we get when we are addressing a group of our … Read more

The Challenges Of Moving Old Applications Into A New Cloud

You would think that by now, with all that has been written about the importance of information technology and the advantages of moving your IT operations into the cloud, the decision to move a company’s applications and storage into the cloud would be a no-brainer for the person with the CIO job. However, we’ve all … Read more