GE Is Changing How They Evaluate Their Employees, Should You?

General Electric (GE) is one big company. They employ over 310,000 people and so any changes that they make to how they choose to manage those people is obviously big news. The people who run GE understand the importance of information technology and have decided that they want to transform how their company operates in … Read more

CIOs Start To Become More Important

The importance of a CIO can be measured in a number of different ways. One such way is how often the CEO seeks out the CIO for consultation. In the not so distant past, this is something that would happen rarely. Generally, this would only happen if something had gone wrong such as a service … Read more

How Should A CIO Go About Hiring A Data Scientist?

I’m pretty sure that all of us CIOs would be more than willing to admit that because of the importance of information technology, we are currently being flooded with data. Most of us would say that we have too much data in our lives. We understand that it is part of what the person with … Read more

Why Hope Is So Important To Being A Successful CIO

When we think about what it takes to make a CIO successful, what comes to your mind? Is it technical knowledge: clouds, network security, virtualization, etc.? Is it understanding the importance of information technology? Is it superior people management skills? I’m more than willing to agree that all of these are important things for the … Read more

Are CIOs Ready To Enter The World Of 3D Printed Metal Objects?

Just in case you missed it, the world around us is changing. Although CIOs like to surround themselves with things like servers, software, clouds, and secure networks, we need to keep in mind that our company employs us for a reason. They understand the importance of information technology and they want us to help them … Read more

What’s The Best Device For Your Workplace: Laptop, Tablet, Or Mobile Phone?

You know, it really was not all that long ago that when we got ready for work we just grabbed our lunch and headed out the door. We knew that when we got to work our desktop computer would be sitting there ready for us to start to use it. Over time things have changed. … Read more

CIOs Need To Learn How To Transform Their Factory Into The Future

As the person with the CIO job, you spend a lot of your time thinking about importance of information technology which includes things like the cloud, securing the network, etc. However, the company that you work for is in business to do one thing – make money. They generally do this by running a factory … Read more

GE Is Changing How They Evaluate Their Employees, Should You?

I’m pretty sure that we all know who General Electic (GE) is. The company has been around for 124 years and employees over 315,000 people. The company has made everything from toasters to railway locomotives to aircraft engines to nuclear power plants. They truly understand the importance of information technology. As impressive as all of … Read more

A CIO’s Code Of Ethics For Managing Company Data

As the person with the CIO job, it turns out that you have a daily job in which you are the person who is responsible for keeping control over your company’s data. Not only do you have to make good decisions about who can get access to the company’s data, but you also have to … Read more

How Can CIOs Help Their Staff To Better Understand Millennials?

As the person with the CIO job it is your responsibility to make sure that your direct reports are doing a good job of managing their staff. After all, collectively these are the people who make up your IT department and your ability to deliver on the importance of information technology depends on their abilities. … Read more