How Should A CIO Handle IT Department Conflicts?

I’m currently in charge of a department of skilled IT professionals. They each have their own set of skills that they bring to my company and I need each of them to be operating at peak efficiency if I want to have any hope of my company using the importance of information technology in order … Read more

4 Ways For CIOs To Do A Better Job Of Interviewing

The person who has the CIO job (you) has a huge responsibility that is even bigger than the importance of information technology is to your company – you need to make sure that the right people are attracted to your IT department and that you hire the best of the best. The only problem with … Read more

Hello CIO: You’re In Politics Now!

Can’t a CIO just rise above all of the politics? I mean really, with all of the technology decisions that need to be made along with the IT department business processes that need to be streamlined, can’t we all just skip the politics and get down to business? It turns out that we can’t and … Read more

IT vs Sales: The YouTube Version

Yeah, so I’m really impressed with how I write. But this time around I’m more than willing to admit that I’ve been out classed by a video that’s up on YouTube: “The Great Office War”. This video is very appropriate for work (no problems if the boss catches you watching it). We’ve talked here a … Read more

What 2008 Meant For IT – And Your Career

So 2008 is now done and finished. You can clear off your desk, add a couple of “2008 stuff” files to your folders and consider the year to be all wrapped up. Well, not exactly. What happened in IT during 2008 lays the foundation for what is going to happen in IT during 2009. Sure, … Read more

Ethics Is SOOO Boring – Until You Are Going To Jail

I don’t know about you, but my eyes start to roll up into my head anytime I see an article with the word “ethics” in its title or if a speaker makes the mistake of saying “… let’s talk about ethics…”. Yeah, yeah I know that this is the wrong attitude and that if I’m … Read more

A Geek’s Guide To The Financial Melt-Down

Man – what a mess! I’m almost afraid to unwrap the paper each morning because the font size of the headlines seems to be getting bigger and bigger as the financial news gets worse and worse. Stock trading firms are going belly up, others are getting bought. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (who are they?) … Read more