A New Era Of Technology Is Arriving: Will CIOs Be Ready?

It can be all too easy for the person with the CIO job to spend their time sitting around thinking about the future. We all know about things like big data, cloud computing, etc. These are new and novel things now, we assume that in the future they will be more run-of-the-mill. However, that’s off … Read more

How Can CIOs Remove The Bias From How They Hire?

Just in case you have somehow not gotten the message, if you want to build the best IT department that will be able to share the importance of information technology with the rest of the company, you are going to want to make it as diverse as you possibly can. Having all of those people … Read more

What CIOs Need To Do About The Disengaged Worker Problem

As the person with the CIO job, it’s your responsibility to put in place systems that will allow the company to use the importance of information technology to get the most out of each and every IT employee. This sounds like a fairly classical management responsibility. However, in a recent poll by the research firm … Read more

What Can CIOs Learn From The Evolution Of Smartphones?

CIOs exist in order to help their companies do more things and do them faster. The person in the CIO position has the responsibility of marshaling all of the company’s IT talent and using the importance of information technology to work on projects that are going to help the company to do a better job … Read more

What Can CIOs Learn From How Alibaba Handles Their New Hires?

If there is one task that we have to do a good job at as the person with the CIO job, it’s bringing new people onboard. Sure, we can do a good job of recruiting and we can land the best and the brightest new talent, but if we don’t do a good job of … Read more

When Is It Ok For A CIO To Brag?

As the person with the CIO job, you are in charge of a lot of different things. There always seem to be projects going on, decisions to be made, and things for you to do that reflect the importance of information technology. However, just every so often, things go right. When this happens you accomplish … Read more

Challenges That CIOs Face In The Upcoming Year

There is a certain thrill that runs through all of us when we assumed the CIO position. Finally, we are going to be in a position of power from which we can make the changes that we’ve always known needed to happen in order to maximize the importance of information technology. However, as is the … Read more

CIOs Seek GE’s Help In Maximizing How Factory Equipment Is Used

CIOs have discovered that they have a bit of a problem on their hands. The equipment that General Electric (GE) sells, power plant electrical gear, etc. to run factories is so big and so complex that nobody really understands how to use it correctly. The GE products can be tuned to run at a peak … Read more

What’s The Best Way For A CIO To Communicate?

When you hold the CIO position, because of the importance of information technology you have a great deal of responsibility. This means that you have to come up with ways to let everyone who works for you know what you want them to accomplish. In a word, you have to communicate. As easy as this … Read more

Are CIOs Ready For The Arrival Of Chatbots?

One of the biggest challenges that any CIO has is trying to stay on top of all of the different buzzwords that seem to spring up daily in the world of IT in order to remain tapped into the importance of information technology. Well guess what, yet another one has just shown up on the … Read more