Why Can’t Your IT Department Be More Like Apple?

Why can't your IT department have all of the qualities of Apple?

As the person with the CIO job, it’s your responsibility to make sure that the company’s IT department understand the importance of information technology and is able to meet the needs of the rest of the company. There are actually several different ways to go about doing this. You can be the “slow and steady” … Read more

Why CIOs Should Stop Putting Employees In Boxes

As the person with the CIO job, you by necessity meet a lot of people. Many of these people work for you and so it’s important that you remember who they are. Just because it’s important does not make this any easier to do. We have all developed a coping mechanism for dealing with this … Read more

Are CIOs Guilty Of Ignoring Evidence When Making Decisions?

As a CIO you are going to be called on to make decisions. A lot of decisions. Do you have any thoughts on what the best way to go about making those decisions would be? In fact, have you ever spent any time thinking about just exactly how you make decisions? When you stop to … Read more