Can A CIO Make The Company More Successful By Sharing?

As the person with the CIO job, you are sitting on a mountain of data about your company’s customers. Every time they purchase your product, call your support department, or even just visit your website because you understand the importance of information technology you collect more and more data about them and about what they … Read more

Is Embedding IT Staff The New Way For CIO’s To Organize IT?

The person with the CIO job understands that the because of the importance of information technology, the role of the IT department is to support the rest of the company. The challenge for the longest time has been how exactly to go about doing this. Over the past few years, the interactions between the IT … Read more

Should The CIO View The CMO As Friend Or Foe?

If there is one fact of life that everyone who has the CIO job has had to learn to deal with, it’s that our IT budgets never seem to be big enough. However, it turns out that there is someone else in the company who does not have the same problem: the CMO. In fact, … Read more

Are CIOs Guilty Of Ignoring Evidence When Making Decisions?

As a CIO you are going to be called on to make decisions. A lot of decisions. Do you have any thoughts on what the best way to go about making those decisions would be? In fact, have you ever spent any time thinking about just exactly how you make decisions? When you stop to … Read more

How CIOs Can Get What They Don’t Have (But Really Need)

Not being invited to sit at the company’s strategy table is a problem that has plagued CIOs since the position was invented. Instead of just talking about the problem, it’s high time we did something to turn things around. But what should we do? Skill Building The reason that CIOs aren’t being invited asked to … Read more

Do You Have An IT Dictionary?

In IT we often get accused of willy-nilly making up new acronyms on the fly. In all honesty, yes we do do this sometimes. However, there is a more subtle word problem that has been creeping around the edges of IT for a long time that nobody’s been brave enough to bring up: we have … Read more

IT vs Sales: The YouTube Version

Yeah, so I’m really impressed with how I write. But this time around I’m more than willing to admit that I’ve been out classed by a video that’s up on YouTube: “The Great Office War”. This video is very appropriate for work (no problems if the boss catches you watching it). We’ve talked here a … Read more