How CIOs Can Find The Innovation That Their IT Departments Need

“Be more innovative” – how many times has your CEO told you that? Although being innovative isn’t really part of the definition of information technology, CIOs still want their IT department to always be ahead of what their internal customers want. We’d like to be able to have our IT staff be solving problems that … Read more

How CIOs Can Bring Innovation To Their IT Departments

“Be more innovative” – how many times has your CEO told you that? Although being innovative isn’t really part of the definition of information technology, CIOs still want their IT department to always be ahead of what their internal customers want. We’d like to be able to have our IT staff be solving problems that … Read more

How SaaS Can Turn Into A Nightmare For A CIO

Yea Cloud Computing! Everyone is in the process of falling in love with cloud computing and its sister Software-As-A-Service (SaaS). What CIO wouldn’t love an opportunity to no longer have to buy and pay to maintain computing hardware that was only going to become obsolete overtime (this is almost a part of the definition of … Read more

Tough Times For The Tokyo Stock Exchange’s CIO

If I asked you what a CIO’s #1 job responsibility was, what would you say? After a lot of hemming and hawing, I think that you’d probably end up telling me that at the end of the day, a CIO has the ultimate responsibility for making sure that the company’s IT resources are available for … Read more

What Should CIOs Be Looking For In Their Clouds?

Cloud computing is all the rage in every IT department these days. Just about every CIO is racing from meeting to meeting in which plans for moving even more of the company’s IT applications into “the cloud” is being planned. However, it turns out that since cloud computing is still so new, not all of … Read more

12 Best Practices CIOs Need To Know In Order To Be Able To Make Old IT Systems New Again

No CIO wants to have a project fail. That’s why when it comes time to do something about older IT systems, replace or renew them, most CIOs have to take time to think about what they really want to do. This is the kind of project that is going to require both the IT department … Read more

CIO vs. CFO: Can’t We All Just Get Along?

I’ve got some bad news for you. CIOs are unhappy. It turns out that a lot of CIOs are now reporting into the company’s CFO instead of its CEO. This means that the CFO is in charge and the CIO feels that he or she is not. Things can’t go on this way. What can … Read more

The Power Industry Discovers The Importance Of CIOs

For far too long the role of the CIO within many companies has been almost an afterthought. Sure they all had CIOs, but unless the company was part of the IT sector then the CIO was mostly relegated to making sure that the corporate email system was working, he or she was not really a … Read more

CIO’s Know That Finding The Right Way To Be Innovative Is The Hard Part

Among all of the other jobs that a modern CIO is expected to perform, there is also that pesky “pursue an innovation strategy” thing. This is so critical that it should almost be a part of the definition of information technology. It’s not that pushing the IT department to become more innovative is all that … Read more