3 Ways That CIOs Can Reduce Their Software Costs

As CIO one of your most important jobs is to manage the budget of the IT department. This means that despite the importance of information technology, you need to always be looking for ways to make your limited IT dollars go farther. One of your biggest expenses is always going to the cost of all … Read more

What Is The One Thing That A CIO Needs To Accomplish Next Year?

It’s starting to get to that point in the year where we all start to think about the importance of information technology and what our goals for next year should be. Most CIOs will of course be thinking about all of the things that you think that CIOs should be thinking about: clouds, mobility, optimization, … Read more

CIOs Need To Be On The Lookout For Proprietary Solutions Disguised As Standards

As the person with the CIO job, you are always on the lookout for ways to simplify what the IT department is doing in order to boost the importance of information technology for your company. One way to make this happen is to have the department adopt the use of standards. You would think that … Read more

New Book: Critical CIO Management Skills

What does it really mean to be a CIO? You sure won’t be writing any software any more. You won’t be stringing network cables or updating firewall parameters. What does a CIO really do? I’ve got some bad news for you: CIOs manage. What You’ll Find Inside: IT JUDGMENT CALLS: HOW TO MAKE GOOD ONES … Read more

How Should A CIO Handle IT Department Conflicts?

I’m currently in charge of a department of skilled IT professionals. They each have their own set of skills that they bring to my company and I need each of them to be operating at peak efficiency if I want to have any hope of my company using the importance of information technology in order … Read more

New Book: CIO Communication Skills Secrets

Isn’t technology a wonderful thing? As CIO you are in charge of one of the most technologically sophisticated parts of the company. It’s very easy to fill your days dealing with issues regarding servers, networks, routers, switches, firewalls, etc. However, it turns out that if you do this, then you’ll be overlooking one of the … Read more

New Book: How CIOs Can Make Innovation Happen

Every company wants to grow and become more successful. There is no magic formula to make this happen, but it is generally agreed that in order for this to happen the company cannot stand still. Instead, they always have to be trying new things and growing. What You’ll Find Inside: CREATIVE ABRASION: HOW TO BUILD … Read more

CIOs Need To Know How To Get Rid Of Their “Shadow IT” Department

As the person who has the CIO job, you’d like to think that you have things under control That when the rest of the company has an IT need they’ll come to you, ask your permission to do something, and then live with whatever you tell them. The reality is a bit different. If you … Read more

What Role Should A CIO Play In A Company’s Product Pricing?

As a CIO, your job is to make sure that the company’s IT systems are up and running at all times, right? You really don’t play a role in what the company does to make money – after all, you’re in charge of a cost center. Well, that’s the way that things might have been … Read more