How Staff Can Try Out New Roles With No Risk

As the person with the CIO job, you want to be in charge of the best IT department possible. It turns out that this means that in addition to getting the rest of the company to understand the importance of information technology, you want to have the best people working for you. Everything else can … Read more

How CIOs Can Boost Staff Skills Without Increasing Headcount

Staffing an IT department is easily a full-time job in of itself. As the person with the CIO job, you’ve probably already realized this. However, in addition to staying on top of the importance of information technology, just filling all of the open spots in your IT department is not the only task that you … Read more

3 Critical Soft Skills That Every CIO Must Have

Nobody ever told you that being the CIO was going to be easy. What they also failed to tell you was just exactly how hard it was going to be! Sure, you have the challenge of mastering the importance of information technology and trying to stay on top of all of the changes that are … Read more

Your Employees: Turns Out They Can Say Anything They Want Online

As the person with the CIO job, how can you tell if you are doing a good job? Sure, there should be all of the standard business indicators – your IT budget is operating within its budget, you are meeting the needs of the rest of the company, the network is secure, etc. However, another … Read more

To Be Successful, CIOs Need To Implement Simplicity

I don’t know about you, but whenever I see something that looks complicated, I am impressed. I mean, somebody took the time to make that and so based on the importance of information technology it must do something complicated very well. Well, it turns out that I’m wrong. Especially within our IT departments, the one … Read more

Who’s In The Driver’s Seat When It Comes To Analytics Projects

You know, for years and years we’ve talked about trying to align business and IT and yet we never seemed to make much progress. Well I’ve got some good news for you: the arrival of analytics projects where large amounts of business data has to be crunched in order to get the answers that the … Read more

How CIOs Can Mine Other Company’s Data For Gold

Data, data, data everywhere. Oh, and then there is that security thing. When you have the CIO job today, you have your hands full because of the importance of information technology just trying to stay on top of all of the data that your company is generating. Your responsibility is to create, store, secure, and … Read more