Big Data Is Only Valuable To CIOs If They Know How To Use It

CIOs everywhere are being overwhelmed with talk about “big data”. This is simply using IT systems and tools to process very large data sets in order to answer questions about how best to run the company. What used to be too big of a task for anyone to attempt has become doable with new tools … Read more

Big Data Comes To The Call Center

By now everyone who has the CIO job has heard about “big data”. What this is all about is using modern analytical tools to process very large amounts of data in order to identify trends and opportunities for the business that were previously unknown. The IT department plays a leading role in the big data … Read more

BYOD: Is This A Good Thing Or A Bad Thing For CIOs?

Who’s responsibility is it to make sure that a company’s employees have proper communication tools? In the past, the answer to this question was simple – these tools were complicated and expensive and because of the importance of information technology it was the company’s job to properly equip their employees so that they could stay … Read more

CIOs Need Learn How To Defend Against The Bad Guys

The person with the CIO job needs to understand that his or her company is under constant attack. Yes, some of the attacks come from hostile hackers who are always probing your company’s IT defenses trying to find a way in; however, we must not forget the impact that severe weather can have on the … Read more

How To Make Your Business Process Management (BPM) Mobile Friendly

So just exactly what is a business process? In a nutshell, it’s how your company does business. Now this might sound rather simple to you, but it turns out that most of the business processes that our firms use to do business are complicated multi-step beasts and are increasingly dependent on the importance of information … Read more

Finding The Time To Be Strategic

Pick up any IT trade journal and you’ll probably find an article that is telling CIOs that because of the importance of information technology they need to get a seat at the company’s planning table. In order to do this, they need to become more strategic. I think that we can all agree with this … Read more

CIOs Need To Learn How To Manage Digital Cowboys

In the modern IT department, CIOs are called upon to perform many different tasks. I believe that we can all agree that one of the most important of these tasks is managing and mentoring the next generation of IT leaders. Today’s new arrivals seem to be so different from when we joined the firm that … Read more

CIOs Fix Outsourcing Problems By Putting The Fox In Charge Of The Chickens

I’m sure that by now you’ve read some of the stories that are out there about CIOs who managed to get themselves into outsourcing contracts that turned out badly. The reasons that the deals took a turn for the worse are many and varied, but the end result is the same: the CIO’s customers were … Read more

How CIOs Can Use Words To Boost Their Power And Credibility

As the person with the CIO job, because of the importance of information technology your company expects a great deal from you. However, if you have not managed to gather the power and the credibility that you are going to need in order to successfully accomplish your job, then it’s going to be very hard … Read more