CIOs Want To Know: What Comes After Passwords?

There surely has to be something better than passwords out there…

As the person with the CIO job, because you understand the importance of information technology it’s part of your job to ensure that both your company’s customers and its employees are kept secure when they are using the company’s IT infrastructure. This means that you need to implement systems that will allow the good guys … Read more

How To Avoid Having Unengaged Employees On Your Team

What you really want is for the members of your IT department to be engaged

When you have new people join your department, they generally do so with a great deal of excitement – they understand the importance of information technology. There are a lot of things that they want to accomplish and they are looking forward to learning many new things. However, over time this has a habit of … Read more

CIOs Are Discovering That Humans Are Important Too

It turns out that humans are an important part of every IT department

As the person with the CIO job, you have a very important question that you have to find the answer to. What is more important to your IT department: people or technology. We spend a great deal of time thinking and learning about technology because we understand the importance of information technology. Our ability to … Read more

How Can A CIO Help To Transform WebMD Into An Action Center

Everyone already knows about WebMD

In this modern age in which we are living, what do you do when you start to feel not so good? If you are like most of us, you think about the symptoms that you are experiencing and then, because you understand the importance of information technology, you go online to try to figure out … Read more

What Can A CIO Do About The Problem Of Airline Overbooking?

Times have been tough for United airlines in the past. There was that event where a passenger was removed from a flight forcibly and everyone filmed it and put it on social media. A bit before that the airline had had to delay 500 of their flights because of a second glitch in two weeks … Read more

What Can CIOs Do In Order To Increase Diversity In The IT Department?

Would it be ok if we took a moment and talked about diversity? Let’s face it, the world of IT and most of our IT departments are not really models of diversity. For some reason, it sure seems like white males (and a lot of Asians) are the ones who seem to populate most of … Read more

How A CIO Can Deal With Religion In The Workplace

Of all of the issues including the importance of information technology that the person with the CIO job has to deal with in the workplace, it’s possible that religion might be the most difficult. The reason for this is simply because there are so many different religions out there. Even within a given religion, there … Read more

How CIOs Can Find Compassion For The Difficult People In Their Lives

As the person with the CIO job, you are called upon to interact with a lot of different people. Some of those people will work for your company and some won’t. Some of those people will be easy to get along with and some will, how shall I say this, be difficult to get along … Read more

Why CIOs Need To Be Careful About Age Discrimination

If you took a look at the people who are currently working in your IT department, what would their average age be? If your department is like most IT departments, that number is going to be fairly low – perhaps in the low to mid 30’s? If fact, if it were not for your management … Read more

CIOs Are Asking: Why The Cloud and Why Now?

It goes without saying that every CIO is thinking about cloud computing. We can’t pick up an industry magazine, attend a conference, or even talk with a vendor without being bombarded with cloud-related discussions talking about how it relates to the importance of information technology. However, moving your company’s IT infrastructure into the cloud is … Read more