The Problem With Facial Recognition Systems
CIOs who are considering using facial recognition technology need to understand that there are people who are looking for ways to fool these systems
The Premier Blog For Learning How To Become A Successful CIO
CIOs who are considering using facial recognition technology need to understand that there are people who are looking for ways to fool these systems
So if you were the CIO for a shopping mall, what would you want to know? You’d want to know that all of your servers and networking gear was secure. You’d want to know what the next “big thing” in technology is going to be. You’d also want to know just exactly who your customers … Read more
As the person with the CIO job, because you understand the importance of information technology it’s part of your job to ensure that both your company’s customers and its employees are kept secure when they are using the company’s IT infrastructure. This means that you need to implement systems that will allow the good guys … Read more