What CIOs Need To Do About Bad Apples In The IT Department

One of the most important jobs that a CIO has to do is to manage the people that work for him or her. I’d like to be able to tell you that all of those people are going to be start performers. However, that’s not the case. Where a CIO can run into real problems … Read more

Why CIOs May Be The Company’s Biggest Security Risk

The world is a very dangerous place. Your IT department has lots and lots of data on its computers that bad people would like to get their hands on. Thank goodness your company has taken care to secure every way that there is for outsiders to get into your company’s network. Oh, wait a minute. … Read more

3 Steps CIOs Can Take To Make Innovation Happen For Their IT Department

“Be more innovative” – how many times has your CEO told you that? Although being innovative isn’t really part of the definition of information technology, CIOs still want their IT department to always be ahead of what their internal customers want. We’d like to be able to have our IT staff be solving problems that … Read more

CIO Skills: The Problem With Unhappy IT Employees Who Leave

In tough times, every CIO has seen their share of IT workers leave the company. Sometimes they leave because they find a job that they think will be a better fit for them or sometimes the company tells them to leave. No matter what the cause, the one thing that you don’t want them to … Read more

Why CIOs Can’t Pay Attention And What To Do About It

How’s that job going CIO? Do you find yourself and your IT department more and more often with too much to do and too few hands with which to do it? If so then maybe both of you are suffering from “CIO Attention Deficit Syndrome”. What can you do about it? The Madness Of Trying … Read more

What CIOs Can Learn From The Failure Of A British IT Project

The one thing that everyone in IT has learned is to stay away from projects that we just know are going to fail, right? It turns out that over in England, they seem to have forgotten this rule. They decided to do a huge IT project to modernize their health care system and guess what, … Read more

CIOs Need To Forget The Yearly Reviews – Do It Monthly!

A part of a CIO’s job is to let those people who report to him or her know how they are doing. At most companies, this is done once a year during an annual employee review. I’m not sure about you, but have you ever asked yourself if this is the best way to do … Read more

The Wrong Way For A CIO To Fire A Worker

It’s time for that IT worker to go. As CIO, one of the most painful decisions that you are ever going to have to make is the decision to terminate an employee. Not only is this a tough call for you to make, if you have any sensitivity at all then you realize that it’s … Read more

2 Rules For Being A Better CIO Boss

When I’m working with new CIOs I often run into the buddy / boss problem. It’s perfectly understandable that any person newly placed into a CIO position would like to establish a positive relationship with the people in the IT department that they are managing. This is all well and good, but it’s all too … Read more