What CIOs Need To Do In Order To Get Some Respect

When you become CIO things are going to be different aren’t they? You’ll be one of those CIOs that has the respect of both their peers in the company and in their industry, right? Lisa Yoon over at CIOZone.com just got done interviewing me for an article that she was writing titled “CIOs and the … Read more

CIOs Ask The Question: Is Twitter A Friend Or A Foe?

When you become CIO you will have a number of tools available to you that CIOs never had in the past. #1 on this list is, of course, Twitter. However, wait a minute, is this a good thing or a bad thing? Sounds like you need to figure this out before you become CIO and … Read more

What CIOs Need To Know About Doing Offshoring In 2010

The Way That It Used To Be Remember when using offshored resources as a part of an IT department was such a big deal? These days it’s hard to find an IT department that doesn’t have at least some portion of its work done off shore. When you become CIO, offshoring is something that you’re … Read more

Just Exactly What Did The Big CIOs Do Last Year?

It Was A Tough Year To say that last year was a rough year, might be the understatement of the decade. Every business seemed to be taking it on the nose and anytime you opened the paper or turned on the TV, it just seemed as though the bad news kept on coming. What’s interesting … Read more

Partner Or Vendor: You Make The Choice

What’s The Difference Between A Vendor And A Partner? When you become CIO, you’re going to be faced with the challenge of picking your friends. No, I’m not talking about being nice to the CEO and CFO – let’s hope that they are already your friends. What I’m talking about is the collection of outside … Read more

AccSucCIO Life Just Got Better For iPhone/Andriod/BB Users

Loyal Readers, It has been brought to my attention that the AccSuccCIO blog’s appearance on touch-based smart phones was, shall we say, poor at best. I think that I may have found a way to solve this problem. I’ve installed some new software that should change the AccSuccCIO into an iPhone application “looking” site, complete … Read more

A New Way To Spell IT / Business Alignment: XBRL

The Opportunity I believe that one of the reasons that it is so hard for a CIO to get the IT department to align with the rest of the business is that finding the correct opportunities where alignment is possible can be a big challenge. Well I’ve got some good news for you: it looks … Read more

It Turns Out That Top-Down Decisions Are What CIOs Need To Make

What’s Wrong With The Way That We Schedule IT Projects? At the end of the day, an IT department is simply a collection of projects. Some of these projects are short lived (“we’ve got an outage!”) and some are much longer (“let’s install a new ERP solution”). However, it turns out that today’s CIOs have … Read more

CIOs In Crisis: Do We Have A Problem Here?

What’s Happening To All Of The CIOs? You and I both know that a well run IT department is what can make one company more successful than its competitors. That must mean that the IT department is important, and therefore the CIO must also be important, right? If that’s true, then why are some of … Read more

Dealing With Vendors AFTER You’ve Signed The Deal

When you become CIO, vendors will enter your life and they just won’t leave. What this means is that they’ll be a constant pain in your neck, always wanting your time and attention. However, on the flip side, they will be a valuable resource that can provide you and your team with information and guidance … Read more