How Can CIOs Prevent The Creation Of A Post Pandemic Two-Tier Workplace?
CIOs need to understand that if some of their workers work remotely then they are going to create a two-tier workplace that will impact all workers
The Premier Blog For Learning How To Become A Successful CIO
CIOs need to understand that if some of their workers work remotely then they are going to create a two-tier workplace that will impact all workers
I like clouds, you like clouds, everyone likes clouds. CIOs everywhere are getting inundated with cloud requests, cloud proposals, and cloud projects. However, committing your company’s IT assets to the cloud is a big deal considering the importance of information technology to the company. This sure seems like the kind of thing that you don’t … Read more
Talk about your latest buzz word overkill! Just when the “Web 2.0” madness had just about hit its peak, along came “Cloud Computing” and took its crown. It’s looking like cloud computing is here to stay, so what’s an IT department to do once they get done studying the whole thing? Your IT department will … Read more