What Is The #1 IT Skill That A CIO Needs To Have?

Today’s CIOs are expected to have many more sets of skills than those that they followed did. One can only suspect that the CIOs of tomorrow will be faced with even higher expectations. Cloud computing, outsourcing, insourcing, business alignment, top line growth, bottom line growth – which one is the most important to know the … Read more

What Toyota Can Teach IT About Dealing With Change

It may seem odd to to be talking about growth during this time of economic downturn, but once this cycle is done you had better have a good plan for learning to deal with growth. IT has always been about change, but that doesn’t mean that IT leaders are any better than anyone else in … Read more

How Toyota Can Teach IT To Keep Things Fresh

Despite all the talk about innovation these days, we know how things really are. It’s way too easy for us to set up IT processes and procedures that we use to run our IT shops and then over time they become part of a larger “That’s The Way We Do Things Here” culture. The problem … Read more

Why Toyota’s IT Department Is Broken & Why That’s Ok

Over at Toyota, they have a habit of doing things differently than everyone else. This might be one of the reasons that Toyota is such a successful company. Their IT department, just like the rest of the company, looks like it on the brink of failure even as the company does better and better in … Read more

What Can Toyota Teach IT About How To Be Successful?

You would think that building cars and running an IT department wouldn’t have a lot in common and in fact were two completely different activities. However, there are more similarities than are obvious on a first glance. Toyota currently makes some the best products available, they do it at the lowest costs, and they have … Read more

7 Wrong Ways To Outsource Your IT Department

Outsourcing, off-shoring, call it what you will, it’s been with us long enough that you’d think that the rules for how to do it correctly would be well known, right? It turns out that this isn’t always the case. The current down economy is probably going to have most IT shops looking for ways to … Read more

Who You Going To Call When IT’s Down? NOBODY!

Quick question: does your IT department have a business continuity plan? If you don’t or, even worse, if you’re not sure then basically you are going to eventually lose your job.  How many of us work in a building that at least once a year has a fire drill? We all look around, stand up … Read more

What Should A CIO’s Top 10 Concerns Be Right Now?

Let’s take a quick snapshot of the business world as it stands right now: uncertainties (and hope) about a new president coming in, financial markets don’t seem to be responding to stimulus programs, gas is down to $2.00 / gallon but for how long, and Paris Hilton hasn’t been hear from for most of the … Read more