Friends Should Not Help CIOs Make Hiring Decisions

No, hiring someone is probably not something that you do every day of the week. However, when you do do it, considering the importance of information technology it is a very important task. You really need to pick the right people to join your IT department if you want to keep its performance high. This … Read more

CIOs Need To Understand That Reviews Come With Risks

As your company’s CIO, one of your jobs is to evaluate the performance of your direct reports as it relates to the importance of information technology. How you go about doing this and how often you do it have been the subject of much debate over the past few years. However, I think that we … Read more

How CIOs Can Make Sure That They Don’t Fail At Failure

I’m pretty sure that I’m not only speaking for myself when I say that I really, really don’t like failing at something. Yeah, yeah – I’ve heard all of the sayings like “fail often, fail fast”, “embrace failure”, “learn from your mistakes”, etc. That does not make failing any easier. I’d much rather forget my … Read more